
New Year's Day
lunch with Brandamajo

Girls go rasta
in St Martin

JJ with exposed
lower hinge and bronze shoe

Olivier and
Melvyn work on the bronze shoe

Girls, and...
Look, no rudder!

Primed in Canary
yellow - note new RIB

Sherman with
re-assembled rudder

Sherman and
Craig build the front fibreglass

Pouring resin
into the shoe

Girls celebrate
rebuilt rudder

New blue trousers
- ready to lift

On the move
in Bobby's Marina

Launching at

Gail taking
Sarah's braiding out, English Harbour

Harmony Hall,
Nonsuch bay

Big love for

Girls with VIP
visitors - note smart new Sitra pottery in table

Farewell concert

Grandpa and
the girls singing

Nick and Caroline
leaving Bonaire

Duck flying