Posted on Wednesday
5 July
On Tuesday (after
some delicious fruit salad for breakfast) we went halyard swinging in
Vaka’eitu. We had great fun. Then we moved to he Tongan Beach Resort on
Wednesday. We had lunch on board. Then, in the evening we watched school
children dress upand dance the whole evening long. I was amazing! Supper
was choosing it from a long table. It was a traditional Tongan feast.
The girls were twirling their hands all soft like, and the boys were all
‘huh, huh ’ all warlike. The boys had grass round the middle and the girls
had different costumes on with featheres, sequins and beads. Their dresses
were glittery, shiney or plain with different decorations. They had oiled
themselves so that their skin looked like plastic. We tasted something
called kava. It was a root drink and it tasted like dishwater. After the
supper and singing, Andrew played the guitar while we sang different songs.
The next day Andy,
Steph and Marc went diving but Marc went snorkelling. Me, Dan, Hannah
and Andrea played in the sand. After lunch the others came back. They
said they saw a 10-12 metre whale! They said it was VERY rare! That afternoon
we went to Nuku. Dan, Andy and I went snorkellling. We saw loads of fish
and lovely coral. The only drewback was hat I kept on getting stung by
plankton. Then Mum, Dad, Dan and I went exploring on a beach. Dan and
I found a HUGE clam shell. We took pictures of Hannah sitting in it. Then
the next day we went whale watching to see if we could spot a whale. But
on the boat of course. That afternoon we went back to Vaka’eitu. There
we saw Travis and Marcelle on another boat. We invited them on board.
Today we went to play with Hijacker ’s kids on the beach. We spent the
whole time watching one of the boys who was mad. Just watch, listen and
laugh is all you could do with him around! He talked funny, he acted funny,
he walked funny and he was just funny. Before the Hijackers we had a lovely
breakfast on the Tongan Beach Resort. We went kiaking just next to the
jetty. Dan kept capsizing me!
We all went onto the
beach to have a barbeque with Hijacker. We roasted coconuts. It was DELICIOUS!
Then we chased each other around the beach and had brilliant fun. It was
amazing how quickly the light changed. One miniute it’s broad daylight,
the next minute it’s dark! Then we went back on board, had supper and
went to bed. The next day we went to the beach again. The others were
snorkelling but I couldn’t because I couldn’t find my mask. Dad had already
gone so I couldn’t look in there. But I swam up to the boat Dad was talking
on and asked if a mask was in the dinghy, but he said no. While the others
were snorkelling, Dad came back. I looked in the dinghy and saw my mask!
It was buried. No wonder he couldn’t see it. Then I snorkelled up to the
others but they were coming back so I went too. Mum went running along
the beach. She came back saying she saw two baby sharks and one lunged
for the fish around her feet and nearly bit her leg off! I ran down and
saw them! After a delicious lunch on board me and Andrew went for a little
snorkell. We saw a lionfish and a HUGE moray eel! It was my first (and
maybe my last) lionfish too! This morning our cousins, Andy and Steph
all left Lazy Duck and Mark moved in again. It is a bit quiet without
them all!
The hot afternoon
sun found Hannah and I going with the Hijacker children, Alex, Jimmy and
Andy to the pool in the Paradise Hotel. We splashed about there for a
while. Soon it got too cold and me, Hannah and Alex (she’s a girl) made
a girls’ camp. The boys kept pestering us, but at last they made their
own camp. We played a bit. Then in the evening we went to the Bounty Bar
to watch a whale film. It was really funny! It talked about the whales
changing their graceful song every year, then suddenly up comes a rap
song! Everyone there was in hysterics!
The next day the Hijackers
came on board. We played the computer. Then we played cards but unfortunately
half the pack flew overboard. We managed to rescue some though. Then we
all went to Ana’s for lunch. I had fish and chips. Then we played catch
upstairs. We saw a pet kitten and the owner let us hold, stroke and pet
the little thing. We also saw a nest of eggs. Then we said goodbye to
the Hijackers and went back on board.
We walked up a big
hill with the Hijackers, Blue Gum and a boat called Quest. Blue Gum was
the one with Owen (the mad one) and his little brother Peter. Quest had
a 12 year old girl called Katie and a 14 year old Amy. Me and Katie are
good friends. We got to the top and the view was spectacular! We had sweets
and chocolate. (Yummy, yum!) Then we went back down. After the walk, Katie
invited us boats (Blue Gums, Hijackers and Lazy Ducks) onto her boat.
We watched a film called Willow. It was about war. There were these funny
little people called brownies. They once said ‘your mudder (mother) wassa
(was a ) lizard!’ to one another. Oh, they were just hilarious! After
we had finished that, we started a film called ‘Home Alone’ It was about
a boy who got left behind when his family went to France! Then burglars
came. But we never finished it because Dad came and picked us up! (Bother!)
On Friday in the morning we went up ther northern cliffs in a taxi. The
taxi driver showed us right to the top (we had to walk the last bit through
the jungle) and scene was AMAZING! And when I say AMAZING I mean it! We
at least 500 feet high! You could imagine the veiw! If you can’t, I ’ll
give you another hint, flat, calm sea with lush green island coming out
and not a boat in sight (apart from a little fishing boat but that can
pass!) That afternoon, we had another race. We came third because a) we
had no wind and b0 we were a 20 ton Lazy Duck racing against a 13 ton
Wings and a 10 ton Liberty and a 12 ton Sunsail! The other boats we left
behind. Wings won, Sunsail came second, and we only just crossed the line
before Liberty. In the evening, we had the prize giving. We got a dinner
for two in Hunga. Then we watched a boy of 11 fire dancing. He spun sticks
ablaze with fire! After that we had supper in Mermaids while watching
school children dancing. The girls all graceful and elegant and the boys
all loud and aggressive. One boy was VERY quick. It was lovely.
We took the dinghy
to Swallow’s Cave. It was really eerie going in. A bit of light was shining
in which made the water a bearutiful blue, but in the dark bit, the black
closed around you and I decided that I’d rather stay with a grown-up!
Me, Mark, Dad and Hannah climbed over the rocks leading to the cave behind.
What I am trying to say is that Swallow’s Cave had an entrance at the
back leading to a smaller cave but instead of water the ground was squelchy
mud so we had second thoughts about walking around in there! Mum came
half way along the rocks but went back. When we were coming out, Mark
said ‘what’s that’ and he shone the torch on the ceiling. We looked up.
There were LOADS of bats sleeping on the roof. Thousands of them. By that
time we really wanted to get back to the boat, but snorkellling in there
will be one of our best memories.
Oh dear! Silly me!
I’ve forgotten about one thing! Before Swallow’s Cave we went onto a boat
(a bit like a pirate ship to me, but it wasn’t) called Alvei. We went
aboard. It was like a jungle gym for us kids! The showing round was quite
boring but up on deck was the BEST. The wheel was like the old fashioned
wheels. You can imaging the old pirate ship wheels, you might not have
been on a pirate ship but you should know the design. Anyway, the ship
was beautiful but down below wasn’t that attractive, but quite interesting.
The only problem was that we weren’t allowed to use the play things. What’s
the point of a jungle gym when you can’t use it! I don’t know, but I still
had a good time!
Now this is AFTER
Swallow’s Cave: We moved to Hunga. We went through a pass and it took
a little serious concentration because we could run the risk of running
aground. But we made it. That evening we went to Club Hunga for supper.
It was a set meal of yam (yuck) potatoe (quite nice) octopus (I quite
like that) chicken (yum) fish (yum yum) and pork (yum, yum, yum) After
supper the people on the next table (us and them were the only people
there) got their guitar out. Dad got his from the boat and we sang. I
made friends with a girl called Emily. She sang a bit too. We had great
fun. The next day we tried to snorkell in the pass. Dad told us to go
back to the dinghy which was tied onto a buoy close by, because he had
told us to wait while he checked out the current. But he only just made
it back to the dinghy and could barely pull himself on because he was
so tired. So instead we went to another snorkelling spot. It was quite
good there. We saw lots of soft and jagged coral and also saw lots of
blue fish. When we got back, we saw Hijacker coming in. When they were
anchored, we asked if they wanted to come over for a drink. So they did.
In the afternoon us kids went to the beach and made forts because the
trees bend down and make caves and there are long sticks which can block
the entrance if you put it in the right place. We had lots and lots of
fun. At 6:00 pm Hijacker left. We stayed. In the evening we had the barbeque.
The parents looked after the food and fire, while us kids (I saw Emily
again and made friends with a girl called Rose) played. For supper we
had cold pasta, pork and potatoe with melted butter inside. YUM! After
supper us kids got an empty can and played ‘kick the can’. Somebody has
to close their eyes and count to ten. While he does this the rest go and
hide. When the counter finishes counting, he stays in the same place and
looks around to see if he can see anyone hiding. The people hiding have
to kick the can in the middle before he is seen. The counter, if he sees
anyone, has to shout out the name of the person seen The first to be seen
counts. If no one is seen, then the counter counts again. It’s a really
fun game and a really fun night!
In Swallow’s Cave,
Mum taught me about stalactites. This is how stalactites evolve: There
is abig rock and drops of water runs through the rock and drips into the
water, bringing with it a teeny weeny piece of rock. That teeny weeny
piece of rock stocks onto the end of the big rock. Then this repeats.
After millions of years a stalactite has been made. It is like a very
tall, very slim upside down cone on the roof of the cave. A stalacmite
is the same thing, but the right way up. If the drops falling off the
stalactite don’t go into the water then the teeny weeny bits of rock stick
to the ground, and after millions of years it makes a stalacmite. You
can remember which is a stalactite or stalacmite because a stalactite
is upside doen and has to hold on very tight!
Posted on 16 July
We went to Kenutu
and saw Blue Gum there. Blue Gum came with us to a walk. We went to the
beach and disappeared into the jungle which came right down to the beach.
We trekked on for about 7 minutes when we came to a ledge which looked
down on the crashing waves. Then we turned right and went on. Soon we
came to another ledge, but this time of sharp rock. More crashing waves.
It was quite exciting. Then on we went. After 5 seconds of walking we
came to a clearing. There were shells galore. Big shells, small shells,
fat shells, slim shells... Owen even found a perfect shiny cowrie, you
know, the lucky ones. We found out that this used to be a camp. There
was the ashes of an old camp fire, there were nuts which Duncan opened
and tasted and said ‘yuk’! No wonder they were left behind! I found a
cowrie too. The bottom was shiny and perfect but the top was a little
worn away. Then we went back to the beach but this time on the other side
of it where rocks and rock pools, fish and coral lay. We saw these funny
little, really flat fish as thin as paper. Maybe even thinner! It was
10cm long and 2cm wide. It looked like a little swimming jelly. It could
disappear in any hole, no matter how small. It could be a dot and he could
still disappear into it, easier than saying ‘pig’. We saw a man picking
up shells to eat. He offered us some but Mum said that no-one will persuade
her to cook that! We found some lovely shells and saw lots of feeding
sea slugs (yucky)! Then we went back to the boat. At tea-time we went
on board Blue Gum. I played with Owen and Peter a bit. Then back on board
Lazy Duck.
We arrived back in
Neiafu to full up with diesel and water. As Mum was taking the hose out
of the water tanks Kiko and Mea turned up in the dinghy! We hadn’t seen
them since Tahiti! We told them that there would be some dancing in Tongan
Beach Resort. They said they would take a taxi. Then when the diesel tanks
were full we left for the Tongan Beach Resort. In the evening we went
ashore for a drink. As planned Kiko and Mea were there. We talked until
the dancing started. This time they danced outside on the beach. They
were the same dancers and same costumes, but it was out on the beach which
was much nicer.
There were 8 nationalities
and each nationality had to do their own dance. For the Maltese (that’s
us) Dad borrowed a guitar and we all sang ‘As tears go by’. It was lovely
seeing each nationality do their own song. Well, some sang, some danced
and some played games. You might be wanting to know this. Here are all
the nationalities in the audience:
1. Brazil
2. Malta
3. America
4. New Zealand
5. Italy
6. England
7. Germany
8. Wales
The waitresses danced
as well. After all the dancing and singing we had a feast. All exactly
the same as before but on the beach. Soon it was time to go. That night
will be a night I will always remember. The next morning we left for New
Caledonia. On the way out we saw four whales! It was very exciting. One
time a head came right out of the water. They showed their tails too.
Then a whale watch boat came along. And who do you think was on it...
Kiko and Mea! We waved and so did they. It was very quiet and peaceful
out on the ocean. We watched Tonga going smaller and smaller in the distance.
The next day we were hit by a squall. It was rainy, rough and windy (every
girl feeling queasy into the bargain). It was horrible. But the next day
it was nice, sunny and calm (luckily) and it has been really nice. This
morning me, Dad and Mum saw dolphins! 50 of them! They all came to play
in the bows. It was lovely. They played for 5 minutes. They went just
as the video camera came out! I forgot to mention, on the windy stormy
night a HUGE wave landed straight on me through the hatch and I had to
sleep in the saloon! I was in a pool of water!
Yesterday Dad was
feeling tired so I stood watch for two hours for him! It was quite exciting!
For two hours I looked around for ships and reefs. I didn’t steer because
Max was on. It was great fun! After my watch I filled in the log. I pumped
the bilge and then 10 times empty. I wrote down the wind speed, the direction
of where the wind was coming from, the number on the barometer, the time
when I filled in the log, the course on average, latitude and the longitude.
I loved it and hopefully I will do it again today. Afterwards I steered
for Mum while she answered the phone. When she came back up again she
said I had steered a very good course! So for the watch and steering I
was COMPLETELY in charge of the boat on my own up on deck!!
It was nice, calm
and we’re going 7 knots. We were very lucky to have such nice winds. Suddenly
out of the blue, some rocky waves, rain, wind, more rain and more wind.
Put them all together and you get... seasick passengers! This went on
for two days. I read for most of the time. I am reading Anne Frank’s Diary.
It is very interesting. On the second day of this foul weather, our beds
got wet so me and Hannah were very, very pleased to hear that we were
going to sleep in the saloon. This morning I got up and poked my head
out of the hatch. I was thoroughly amazed (and pleased) that the weather
had again changed and it was nice, calm and pleasant again. When I heard
that it was going to be like this for the rest of the trip to New Caledonia
I nearly jumped for joy! (It’s lucky I didn’t because then I would have
fallen overboard and that would have swallowed up my happiness). I don’t
know why, but getting to New Caledonia is like a far off dream or a fairytale.
Perhaps it is because I have been out at sea for a week and it has seemed
especially long this time to my mind. Oh, I don’t know!
It was VERY exciting.
New Caledonia looked lovely. But no matter how fast we were going we never
seemed to get any closer! I went down below to read. I have now finished
Anne Frank’s Diary and have now started on Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Then
I went up on deck again. We were going through the pass and spray was
everywhere, so I put my oily jacket on. I went down below again because
I couldn’t feel my feet and that was just as well because if I could,
wherever my feet touched would turn to ice! I read some more and then
finished the book. I now am on ‘Peter Duck’ by Arthur Ransome which is
an inch-and-a-half thick. At around 7 we arrived! It was dark and cold
and my feet still couldn’t be felt but that didn’t stop me doing a little
dance on the pontoon. Then we had a few drinks such as gin and tonic and
sprite. Dad didn’t want anything. He just conked! We had supper and had
chocolate brownies for pudding, followed by tinned peaches followed by
a full night’s sleep!!
Posted on 26 July
Jobs, jobs, jobs.
We were doing lots of jobs before Nina, Nigel and Bean came. Stocking
up, filling up with water, sending emails, fixing lights, fixing the loos,
just ENDLESS jobs. On Tuesday Dad and I went to the airport to pick up
Nigel, Nina and Bean. The place was completely empty. Hardly a soul in
sight. Then we went to a shop nearby. When we went back to the airport
ten minutes later the guests came. We said hello then we went to the hotel
to drop them off to sleep. Before they went they gave me and Hannah some
comics. Very kind!!
The next day they
came on board. They settled in. Next day we all went to the Tapa exhibition.
Tapa is beaten bark and then they put ink on it with lots of different
patterns. We looked at all the different designs. It was beautiful. There
were also different models. Quite small, behind glass. There was also
a big model hut. Inside it looked VERY homely. There was a place to put
a fire and a plate to put things on hanging from the ceiling. After that
we went to the craft centre. In the stone shop Hannah got a free stone.
It was beautiful. It was made out of blue Serpentine.
Next day we went to
the Cultural Centre. There we watched a vidio about all the cultural things
they do. We went to a boutique, looked at beautiful carvings, looked at
the tapa, and all the different paintings. It was also very fascinating
reading about the cannibals. Disgusting but fascinating. In the afternoon
we went to the aquarium. The corals were lovely, especially the fluorescent
ones. The fishes were nice too. The biggest fish in the whole aquarium
was a 4/5 foot wrasse!! HUGE! It was very spooky when it glided really
close to the glass. There were nice shells too. In each tank, big or small,
it looked very much like the bottom of the sea with the sand, corals and
shells. Bean bought a postcard with fluorescent corals on it.
Next morning we went
on a walk. We walked 3 miles all up hill. When we got to the top, we were
VERY grateful for the sandwiches for lunch. As we munched away, we watched
the spectacular veiw. After 45 minutes rest, we started again. It was
quicker as we were going down hill. It took 2 hours but going up hill
it took 2.5 hours. When we got back down again, we had a good drink. Then
on the next day, we went on a tour. Our tour guide, Olivier let us kiak,
swim, picnic and BBQ and walk. Let’s start with the kiaks. We got into
the kiaks and kiaked about. Olivie came too and we kiaked down stream.
We swam at the end and the water was like ice. Only Mark, Bean and I swam.
Oh and Hannah too. Then we kiaked back. Then we went to a place to picnic
and BBQ. There we saw a lady and a girl. They were aparrantly friends
of Olivier. The girl was playing with a wild baby boar. She was feeding
it. I did it too. After a while, it went away. Then we had lunch. There
was raw fish, apples, sausages, kiwis, chops and fizzi drinks. Yum yum.
After lunch I played a game like tennis with the girl. Soon we had to
go. We went back to the boat.
Early next morning
we left for Australia. We have been going for a day now and at this rate
we might be there in a week.
here for
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